List of required documents for submission an article
Submission of an article
Article, in accordance with the rules (template).
Consent of the author to the publication.
Application for publication (filled one per article) -
Until February 15
Until May 15
Until August 15
Until November 15
Requirements for articles
1. The structure of the article should include: UDC, title of the article, name of the authors, name of the institution where the work was done, academic degree and academic title, abstract (summary), keywords (in Russian and English). The article should have the following semantic blocks: introduction (brief), purpose of the research, material and research methods, research results and their discussion, conclusions or conclusion, list of references.
2. Requirements for a brief abstract (summary) of the article in Russian and English (The font used is bold, font size is 10 pt.) And contain the following semantic blocks covering the content of the article:
- subject, topic, purpose of work;
- method or methodology of the work;
- work results;
- scope of the results;
- findings.
3. The article should be typed on a computer in the program Microsoft Office Word in one file.
4. The size of the article is from 15 to 30 thousand characters with spaces, A4 format (font 12 Times New Roman, spacing - 1.15, all fields - 2 cm), including tables, charts, figures and references.
5. Articles are accepted only with the original copyright text of at least 70%. References to sources are made out in [ ] in the text of the article.
6. Tables should contain only the necessary data and be generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is provided with a heading and inserted into the text after the paragraph with the first reference to it. Each drawing must have a caption (under the drawing), in which an explanation of all its elements is given. To build graphs and charts, use Microsoft Office Excel. Each figure is inserted into the text as a Microsoft Office Excel object. Each picture is inserted into the text in one of the following formats: .vsd, .tif, .bmp, .jpeg. It is not allowed to insert images made by means of Microsoft Office.
7. References in the text of the article should be given in square brackets in accordance with the numbering in the list of references. References are compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 2008.
8. Only one article of the author (first author) can be printed in one issue of the journal.
9. By submitting the text of the work for publication in a journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of inappropriate borrowing in the manuscript of the work, the proper execution of all borrowings of text, tables, diagrams, illustrations. The authors of the published materials are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotes, statistics and other information.
The editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors. The author, sending the manuscript to the Editors, accepts the personal responsibility for the originality of the research, instructs the Editors to publish the work through its publication in print.
The author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to use the material submitted by the Editorial Board. In case of violation of this warranty and presentation of a claim to the Editorial Board in connection with this, the Author undertakes, at his own expense, to settle all claims. The editors are not liable to third parties for breach of the data by the Author of guarantees.
10. Articles that are not written according to the rules are not considered. It is not allowed to send to the editors of papers that are sent to other publications or printed in them.
11. The author must fill in the application form