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Bogatyreva D.S.

Bogatyreva DS

Modern trends of human capital development: Russian and foreign experience

Zalata A.S.,

Kuptsov A.O., Bolsunovskaya M.V.,

Leksashev A.V., 

Shirokova S.V.

Zalata AS,

Kuptsov AO,

Bolsunovskaya MV,

Leksashov AV, 

Shirokova SV

Project management for the implementation of a mobile application to improve the relationship with the company's customers

E.A. Minenko

Minenko EA

Features of enterprises's marketing carrying out their activities in the international market

A.V. Nifontova, 

Shport A.A.

Nifontova AV, 

Shport AA

Assessment of the standard of living in the conditions of inter-municipal differentiation, taking into account the trends of digitalization 

(on the example of the Rostov region)

Odintsov E.A.

Odintsov EA

To the question of the essential characteristic of the innovative potential of the enterprise and the factors of its formation

A.A. Pleshivtseva 

Pleshivtseva A.A.

World tourist industry: current state and development trends

Podoprigora MG,

Zamuriy DV, 

Germanova VG

Podoprigora M.G., 

Zamuriy D.V., 

Germanova V.G.

Knowledge Economy in the USA

Abdulah FA 

Makarova EL

Abdullah F.A., 

E.L. Makarova

CRM Management System in the Telecommunications Sector of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq: Comparative Analysis of Zain, Korek, Asia Telecom 

Hussein Jamal 


Hussein Jamal 


History, characteristics and contribution of international tourism to the Tanzanian economy

Makarenya TA, 

Obaidi A. Ibrahim

Makarenya T.A., 

Ubaidi A. Hussein

The relationship between economic growth and the development of the Iraqi energy complex

Arutyunova D.V. 

Martynenko M.A.

Arutyunova DV, 

Martynenko MA

Exit strategy formation mechanism of the company to the global market

Burova E.V.

Burova EV

Syncretic nature of the relationship between law and morality in the process of forming the institution of family and family education

V. V. Klochkov, 

V.S. Nazarova

Klochkov VV, 

Nazarova VS

Constitutional reform of 2020 in Russia and constitutional revolution of 1822-1835 in Great Britain: similarities, distinctctions and non-obvious outcomes (part I)

Mashtakov M.M., 

Shirokova S.V.

Mashtakov MM, 

Shirokova SV

Project management for the implementation of the CRM-system in a logistic company

I. S. Naidenko, 

Maranova V.A.

Naydenko IS, 

Maranova VA

Optimization of the company promotion system by digital marketing methods

Rudneva K.S.

Rudneva KS

Industrial policy as factor of modernization industrial sector economy

Senchenko S.A.

Senchenko SA

Modern approaches to the development of a system for ensuring the economic security of an economic entity

Sitnikova E.D., 

Yu.V. Razvadovskaya

Assessment of the relationship between technological changes and the remuneration of employees of various qualification groups in the Russian economy

Sitnikova ED, 

Razvadovskaya Yu.V.

Filatova E.V.

Filatova EV

The concept of continuous anti-corruption education and enlightenment in the Russian Federation (regional aspect)

Privalov DV, 

Privalova Yu.V., 

Korsakova TV

Privalov D.V., 

Privalova Yu.V., 

T.V. Korsakova

Transformation of the model of the production process in the enterprise

Bageryan G.A.

Bageryan HA 

“Smart city” technologies as a potential way to increase the quality of life of the population (on the example of the Rostov region)

Belyaev Ya.A., 

Selentieva T.N. 

Belyaev Ya. A., 

Selentyeva TN 


Problems of development and implementation of state programs 

E. D. Butenko 

Butenko ED 

Analogue to digital. Evolution or revolution? 

I. V. Godunov, 

Filatova E.V. 

Godunov IV, 

Filatova EV 

Anti-corruption education in the context of digital transformation 

A. V. Karagodin 

Karagodin AV 

The place of the russian banking system in the world financial market: current state and development prospects

A. V. Karpov 

Karpov AV 

Commercialization of scientific and technical innovations as a factor in the development of innovative systems

V.S. Nazarova 

Nazarova VS 

Constitutional reform of 2020 in Russia and constitutional revolution of 1822-1835 in Great Britain: similarities, distinctctions and non-obvious outcomes (part II)

Ryabkova A. M., 

Tychinsky A.V. 

Ryabkova AM, 

Tychinsky AV 

The R&D management modeling in uncertainties

Tychinsky A. V., 

Shkondin I.A. 

Tychinsky AV, 

Shkondin IA 

Roadmaping in R&D companies 

Sameer MS, 

Kazanskaya A. Yu. 

Samir M.S., 

Kazanskaya A. Yu. 

Problems of the development of the institution of insurance relations in Iraq and the direction of its reform

Абдуллах Хуссейн

Hussein Abdullah 

Study of strategy implementation in hospitality enterprises: current state and future potential

Горбач И. Н. 

Широкова С. В.

Gorbach I. N., 

Shirokova S. V.

Назарова В. С.

Nazarova V. S.

Для чего и как управлять здоровьем данных

Why and how to manage data health

Constitutional reform of 2020 in Russia and constitutional revolution of 1822-1835 in Great Britain: similarities, distinctctions and non-obvious outcomes (part III)

Смертина Е. Н., 

Попова М. М., 

Караева Ф. В.

Smertina E. N., 

Popova M. M., 

Karaeva F. V.

Features of cryptocurrency payments: problems and prospects

Ткаченко Ю. Г., 

Ковалева А. М. 

Tkachenko Yu. G., 

Kovaleva A. M. 

Territorial polarization and the state of investment during the coronavirus period

Шаповалова А. В., 

Широкова С. В.

Shapovalova A. V., 

Shirokova S. V.

Evaluation of performance indicators of the implementation of  CRM-system at the enterprise

Privalov D. V., 

Privalova Yu. V., 

Korsakova T. V.

Привалов Д. В., 

Привалова Ю. В., 

Корсакова Т. В.

Стратегический подход к проектному управлению

Samonova Ch. V.

Самонова К. В.

Особенности реализации цифровой трансформации промышленного сектора экономики: факторы, условия, меры поддержки

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