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Kiseleva V.I.

Kiseleva VI

The role of managers in the rapidly developing world of  the digital economy

Mikhalkina D.A. 

Mikhalkina DA

The digital revolution as a factor in the formation of new trends in  the development of the personnel management mechanism

Tkachenko Yu.G.

Tkachenko Yu.G.

Monitoring the regional youth labor market

Fedosova M.N.

Fedosova T.V.

Fedosova MN

Fedosova TV

Investment climate in Russia: current status and prospects of  anti-crisis adaptation

Klochkov VV

V. V. Klochkov

The nature of sovereignty and the boundaries of loyalty in the British public  controversy of the second half of the 18th century.

Korsakova TV

Lada ov 

T.V. Korsakova

Lada O.V.

The method of analyzing hierarchies as a tool for increasing consumer  loyalty in terms of a franchise

branded goods


Lokteva A.E.

Kazanskaya A.Yu.

Lokteva A.E.

Kazanskaya A.Yu.

The company's strategic takeover choice: buying WhatsApp  by Facebook

Petrunko AI

Petrunko A.I.

Using marketing tools in promotion  IT companies


Stash SV

Stash S.V.

Technological factors to ensure competitiveness  Russian aviation industry

Alesinskaya T.V.

Arutyunova D.V.

A. A. Bodina

Alesinskaya T.V.,

Arutyunova DV

Bodina A.A.

Possibilities and restrictions of the introduction of the Scrum format in  the educational process of the university

Boldareva Yu.O.

A.V. Nazarova

Boldareva Yu.O.

Nazarova AV

Prospects for digitalization of agriculture of Russia

E. D. Butenko

Butenko ED

COVID-19 as a shock stimulating factor in the development of digital  education

Kulikov G.E.

Kulikov EG

Decision-making criteria under uncertainty for economic analysis of the real  estate market of the Southern federal district

Njoroge P.K.

Njoroge PK

Information technology platform for financial and management data in the  sustainable development mechanism of russian

industrial corporations

V. N. Tyushnyakov  

Tyushnyakov VN

Digital transformation of Russian regions

Frolova N.S.

Tychinsky A.V.

Frolova NS

Tychinskiy AV 

Information technologies of business design in enterprises

Klochkov VV

V. V. Klochkov

A constitution based on law: the concept of party power  Tory at the end of the 18th century.

Korsakova TV 

Nabaz AM

T.V. Korsakova

A.M. Nabaz

Focus on the consumer as a tool for the development of a company in  competitive environment

Kosolapova AA

A.A. Kosolapova

Identifying the problems of insurance companies when entering  international market

V.V. Klochkov

Rachipa A.V.

Klochkov VV

Rachipa AV

The 25th Anniversary of IMES SFEDU: forward-looking history 

E. D. Butenko

Butenko ED

Digital innovation market

E.K. Zashchina

Zashchitina EK

Changeover to the distance education: background and consequences

Kostenko M.A.

Aksenova E.A.

Kostenko MA

Aksenova EA

Makarenya T.A.

R.V. Andrienko

Makarenya TA

Andrienko RV

Global and national regulation of cybercrime and cyber terrorism  as threats to international security

Innovative potential of the Rostov region as a factor of the industrial innovation  territorial cluster formations' development

A.V. Nifontova

Nifontova AV

Analysis of the genesis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the  "Quality of life" of the population 

Podoprigora M.G. 

Zamuriy D.V.

Germanova V.G.

Podoprigora MG

Zamuriy DV 

Germanova VG

Organizational behavior in international business

Shport A.A.

Shport AA 

Analysis of the genesis and systematization of the conceptual and  terminological apparatus of the "standard of living"

Gavrish EN

Orlova VG

E.N. Gavrish

Orlova V.G.

Enterprise as an Ecosystem: Analysis of the Institutional Environment

Ivanenko TA

Orlova VG

Ivanenko T.A.

Orlova V.G.

Development of port and industrial enterprises:  institutional aspect

Zotova T.A.

Gridnev D.S.

Gridnev DS

Philosophical and anthropological foundations of the global risk

A. V. Karagodin

Karagodin AV

Security in banking in the age of digitalization: world experience and  russian practice

Krasilnaya K.A.

Tychinsky A.V.

Krasilnaya KA

Tychinsky AV

Selection of tools for the representation of economic entities in the internet 

Nikashina P.O.

Nikashina PO

Minapadi system as an opportunity for efficient use of agricultural land

Podoprigora M.G. 

Zamuriy D.V.

Germanova V.G.

Podoprigora MG

Zamuriy DV 

Germanova VG

Influence of organization culture on organizational performance

Tychinsky A.V.

Tychinsky AV

Modern approaches to the R&D feasibility study for budgetary

Korsakova TV

Yakinina Yu.S.

T.V. Korsakova

Yakinina Yu.S.

Development of a multilevel marketing model (MLM marketing)  in modern conditions

Letova AV

Letova A.V.

Business culture (ethics and values) of Russia and the Arab countries

Obaidi ahmed


Ahmed Ibrahim


The role of renewable energy sources in achieving  sustainable development (model for the Republic of Iraq)

Samonova Ch.V.

K. V. Samonova

Assessment of conditions and quantitative indicators of technological  development of high-tech industries in Russia  on the example of the radio-electronic industry

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